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Patent Attorneys and Attorneys at Law

for IP, IT & media

IT + Data

We accompany your IT projects in your company, check and draw up hardware and software contracts, advise you on legal aspects of agile programming, software copyright law and all legal issues that arise around the topic of digitalisation in your company. This also includes, if it cannot be avoided through negotiation, the enforcement of your claims in court proceedings. In data protection law, we advise on issues relating to the General Data Protection Regulation and innovative, data-based digital business models.

IT and Data protection law

  •     IT Law
  •     Software purchase, software development, software maintenance
  •     Software inspection claim
  •     IT project contracts
  •     Outsourcing
  •     Cloud computing
  •     Host Providing, Application Service Providing (ASP)
  •     Software as a Service (SaaS)
  •     Hardware contracts (maintenance, purchase, rental and leasing of hardware)
  •     Public procurement of IT services
  •     IT compliance
  •     Internet presence and shop audits
  •     Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO)
  •     Data protection in companies
  •     Data Security / IT Security Act
  •     Employee Data Protection
  •     Customer Data Protection
  •     Data Transmission / Data Processing
  •     Order data processing
  •     Big Data
  •     Data protection clauses
  •     General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

Media law and Copyright

  •     Press law and the law of expression
  •     Untrue reporting
  •     False allegation
  •     Defamatory criticism
  •     Cease and desist
  •     Rejoinder
  •     Revocation
  •     Claims for compensation
  •     Reputation protection
  •     False internet ratings
  •     Copyright
  •     Adoption of copyrighted works
  •     Claims for injunctive relief
  •     Claims for damages
  •     Warning letters
  •     Protection of intellectual works
  •     Liability of platforms
  •     Media Criminal Law


    Johannes Zimmermann
    Certified lawyer for IT law
    Certified lawyer for labour law
    MWW Rechtsanwälte Dr. Psczolla Zimmermann PartG mbB

    tel.: 0261 98868000 or 0228 29971280

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